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All About Me: The theme wellbeing is about children being confident, happy and healthy. In September we focused on ourselves, our families and getting to know our new friends in playschool, finding our own pictures to hang our coats and bags, learning how to put on our own coats before going to the garden and tidying up our own lunches. We drew self-portraits, made some great houses for our family pictures, spoke about our families in circle time and sang a song called “Who’s Here Today” and “I’m glad you came today” which helps us learn each other’s names forming a sense of Identity & Belonging in playschool. We also sang “I Am Special” and read some lovely stories and learned some great poems like “5 little fishes

We love to read stories during free play and at circle time, we’ve read books on friendship, why our friends are so important and how to be a good friend. We talk about our families. Did you know there are lots of different types of families each one is very special

Autumn is an amazing time of the year; the weather starts to change and we need our coats going outside to play. All the leaves are changing colour and falling off the trees. The animals are getting ready for winter collecting food and leaves to make a cosy bed for the winter. We loved reading “Hattie the hedgehog hibernates”. We went on nature walks to collect leaves and painted a box for our hedgehog to hibernate in, he’s gone to sleep now and we’ll see him again in the spring. We sing songs like “The Leaves are Falling Down” and “The Dingle Dangle Scarecrow” Exploring & Thinking

We are learning to recognise how we are feeling too, sometimes we feel sad but most times we are happy. We are learning a great breathing technique to help us, we smell the flowers and blow out the candles,

Aistear: Learning all about me also includes learning all about our bodies and how to keep them healthy, we have a great song “Them dancing Bones”, it tells us all about the bones in our bodies and how they are all connected to each other. We are learning how they work to support us when we’re standing or sitting, how exercise and healthy eating helps our bodies to grow.We love dancing to the “silly song”, “hop little bunny” and “the floor is lava” and more it’s a great way to exercise.

Halloween: We are combining our Halloween fun with our curriculum this year, looking at all things spooky, Spiders making cobwebs in our garden, animals such as bears that like to hibernate, what changes we see in the weather in Autumn. Can you imagine we had a pool party in September and now we need coats and hats to go out to play.

Healthy Eating: We have been learning all about healthy eating and what benefits it has on our bodies, we made a food pyramid with all the foods we like to eat. Thank you to all the mams and dads who give us healthy lunches and water or milk to drink each day in playschool. We had great fun tasting different types of food and learning what part of our tongue’s controls what taste. We made some funny faces tasting the limes and some of us needed water after tasting the spicy pepperoni and salty chips, most of us didn’t like the dark chocolate but we loved the sweet corn. We also tried lots of different colour foods and made our own pizzas to bring home and cook. They tasted delicious

Super Hero Day: A huge thank you to all who supported our super hero day for special Olympics, we had a great week dressing up as super heroes, at circle time we spoke about how we can be super heroes to our friends by looking after them and sharing and helping others, we raised €112

Wash your hands with Rufus

We love learning how to wash our hands with Rufus, he has a great story book and song to help us remember to wash our hands after going to the toilet and before we eat our food.

Fire Drill: We are so good at practicing our fire drill, the first time we thought it was a little noisy, but we know when we hear the sound we go to our safe spot in the garden.

What’s Happening Next: As winter approaches and the weather gets colder, it’s not going to stop us going outside to play and having a choice to decide what we want to play with. Where we want to play helps our confidence grow and helps us find our voice in the world. Play engages, motivates, challenges and teaches us but most importantly we’re just having FUN. Our curriculum this term will continue with healthy eating, supporting our learning of the body and what healthy food can do for it. November is Science month and we will have some cool experiments to try out. Learning all about the artic, comparing and contrasting weather in different countries to our weather.

Introduce language of different countries into our curriculum and celebrate different cultural experiences expanding our knowledge of the world around us.

We will continue to support each child’s pre writing development, numeracy skills, shapes and colours.

As we learn all about our body’s we will also learn about our emotions and how to express and deal with them. Our emotional and mental health is just as important as our physical health.

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